Ikea Hemnes Twin Size Bed With Mattress — Furniture Matchmaker

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Ikea Hemnes Twin Size Bed With Mattress

Ikea Hemnes Twin Size Bed With Mattress


A sofa, a single bed, a double bed and storage in one piece of furniture! Perfect if you are tight on space. Add this amazing Ikea Hermen twin bed to your room. Its a perfect fit for all you need in one peice. Its color is so pretty and can go with any décor or room color. This practical bed comes with a twin size mattress. With some soft, fluffy pillows as back support, you easily transform this day bed into a comfortable sofa. This great bed measures, Height of drawer (inside): 7 1/8 ", Length: 78 3/8 " Width: 41 " Height: 32 5/8 " Drawer width (inside): 20 1/8 "Drawer depth (inside): 27 1/2 "Bed width: 76 3/8 "Bed length: 74 3/8 "Mattress length: 74 1/2 "L Mattress width: 38 1/4 ". Located in Brooklyn, New York. Item#B3578T

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